Title: | Tools to Easily Read/Write NetCDF Files into/from Multidimensional R Arrays |
Description: | Set of wrappers for the 'ncdf4' package to simplify and extend its reading/writing capabilities into/from multidimensional R arrays. |
Authors: | BSC-CNS [aut, cph], Nicolau Manubens [aut], Nuria Perez-Zanon
[ctb] |
Maintainer: | An-Chi Ho <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 0.1.2 |
Built: | 2025-02-22 04:39:36 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/easyNCDF |
This function takes as input one or a list of multidimensional R
arrays and stores them in a NetCDF file, using the ncdf4
package. The
full path and name of the resulting file must be specified. Metadata can be
attached to the arrays and propagated into the NetCDF file in 3 possible
Via the list names if a list of arrays is provided:Each name in
the input list, corresponding to one multidimensional array, will be
interpreted as the name of the variable it contains.
ArrayToNc(arrays = list(temperature = array(1:9, c(3, 3))),
file_path = 'example.nc')
Via the dimension names of each provided array:The dimension names
of each of the provided arrays will be interpreted as names for the
dimensions of the NetCDF files. Read further for special dimension
names that will trigger special behaviours, such as 'time' and 'var'.
temperature <- array(rnorm(100 * 50 * 10), dim = c(100, 50, 10))
names(dim(temperature)) <- c('longitude', 'latitude', 'time')
ArrayToNc(list(temperature = temperature), file_path = 'example.nc')
Via the attribute 'variables' of each provided array:The arrays
can be provided with metadata in an attribute named 'variables', which
is expected to be a named list of named lists, where the names of the
container list are the names of the variables present in the provided
array, and where each sub-list contains metadata for each of the
variables. The attribute names and values supported in the sub-lists
must follow the same format the package ncdf4
uses to represent
the NetCDF file headers.
a <- array(1:400, dim = c(5, 10, 4, 2))
metadata <- list(
tos = list(addOffset = 100,
scaleFact = 10,
dim = list(list(name = 'time',
unlim = FALSE))),
tas = list(addOffset = 100,
scaleFact = 10,
dim = list(list(name = 'time',
unlim = FALSE)))
attr(a, 'variables') <- metadata
names(dim(a)) <- c('lat', 'lon', 'time', 'var')
ArrayToNc(a, 'tmp.nc')
The special dimension names are 'var'/'variable' and 'time'.
If a dimension is named 'var' or 'variable', ArrayToNc
will interpret
each array entry along such dimension corresponds to a separate new variable,
hence will create a new variable inside the NetCDF file and will use it to
store all the data in the provided array for the corresponding entry along the
'var'/'variable' dimension.
If a dimension is named 'time', by default it will be interpreted and built as
an unlimited dimension. The 'time' dimension must be the last dimension of the
array (the right-most). If a 'var'/'variable' dimension is present, the 'time'
dimension can be also placed on its left (i.e. the one before the last
dimension). The default behaviour of creating the 'time' as unlimited
dimension can be disabled by setting manually the attribute
unlim = FALSE
, as shown in the previous example.a2nc
is an alias of ArrayToNc
ArrayToNc(arrays, file_path) a2nc(arrays, file_path)
ArrayToNc(arrays, file_path) a2nc(arrays, file_path)
arrays |
One or a list of multidimensional data arrays. The list can be provided with names, which will be interpreted as variable names. The arrays can be provided with dimension names. The arrays can be provided with metadata in the attribute 'variables' (read section Description for details). |
file_path |
Path and name of the NetCDF file to be created. |
This function returns NULL.
N. Manubens [email protected]
## Not run: # Minimal use case ArrayToNc(array(1:9, c(3, 3)), 'tmp.nc') # Works with arrays of any number of dimensions ArrayToNc(array(1:27, c(3, 3, 3)), 'tmp.nc') # Arrays can also be provided in [named] lists ArrayToNc(list(tos = array(1:27, c(3, 3, 3))), 'tmp.nc') # Or with dimension names # 'var' dimension name will generate multiple variables in the # resulting NetCDF file a <- array(1:27, dim = c(3, 3, 3)) names(dim(a)) <- c('lon', 'lat', 'var') ArrayToNc(a, 'tmp.nc') # 'variable' as dimension name will do the same a <- array(1:27, dim = c(3, 3, 3)) names(dim(a)) <- c('lon', 'lat', 'variable') ArrayToNc(a, 'tmp.nc') # The 'time' dimension will be built as unlimited dimension, by default a <- array(1:1600, dim = c(10, 20, 4, 2)) names(dim(a)) <- c('lat', 'lon', 'time', 'var') ArrayToNc(a, 'tmp.nc') # The dimension 'var'/'variable' can be in any position and can have any # length. a <- array(1:1600, dim = c(10, 20, 4, 2)) names(dim(a)) <- c('lat', 'var', 'lon', 'time') ArrayToNc(a, 'tmp.nc') # Multiple arrays can be provided in a list a <- array(1:400, dim = c(5, 10, 4, 2)) names(dim(a)) <- c('lat', 'lon', 'time', 'var') ArrayToNc(list(a, a), 'tmp.nc') # If no dimension names are given to an array, new names will be automatically # generated a <- array(1:400, dim = c(5, 10, 4, 2)) b <- array(1:400, dim = c(5, 11, 4, 2)) names(dim(a)) <- c('lat', 'lon', 'time', 'var') ArrayToNc(list(a, b), 'tmp.nc') # Metadata can be provided for each variable in each array, via the # attribute 'variables'. In this example the metadata is empty. a <- array(1:400, dim = c(5, 10, 4, 2)) metadata <- list( tos = list(), tas = list()) attr(a, 'variables') <- metadata names(dim(a)) <- c('lat', 'lon', 'time', 'var') ArrayToNc(a, 'tmp.nc') # Variable names can be manually specified a <- array(1:400, dim = c(5, 10, 4, 2)) metadata <- list( tos = list(name = 'name1'), tas = list(name = 'name2')) attr(a, 'variables') <- metadata names(dim(a)) <- c('lat', 'lon', 'time', 'var') ArrayToNc(a, 'tmp.nc') # Units can be specified a <- array(1:400, dim = c(5, 10, 4, 2)) metadata <- list( tos = list(units = 'K'), tas = list(units = 'K')) attr(a, 'variables') <- metadata names(dim(a)) <- c('lat', 'lon', 'time', 'var') ArrayToNc(a, 'tmp.nc') # addOffset and scaleFactor can be specified a <- array(1:400, dim = c(5, 10, 4, 2)) metadata <- list( tos = list(addOffset = 100, scaleFact = 10), tas = list(addOffset = 100, scaleFact = 10)) attr(a, 'variables') <- metadata names(dim(a)) <- c('lat', 'lon', 'time', 'var') ArrayToNc(a, 'tmp.nc') # Global attributes can be specified a <- array(rnorm(10), dim = c(a = 5, b = 2)) attrs <- list(variables = list(tas = list(var_attr_1 = 'test_1_var', var_attr_2 = 2)), global_attrs = list(global_attr_name_1 = 'test_1_global', global_attr_name_2 = 2)) attributes(a) <- c(attributes(a), attrs) ArrayToNc(a, 'tmp.nc') # Unlimited dimensions can be manually created a <- array(1:400, dim = c(5, 10, 4, 2)) metadata <- list( tos = list(addOffset = 100, scaleFact = 10, dim = list(list(name = 'unlimited', unlim = TRUE))), tas = list(addOffset = 100, scaleFact = 10, dim = list(list(name = 'unlimited', unlim = TRUE)))) attr(a, 'variables') <- metadata names(dim(a)) <- c('lat', 'lon', 'unlimited', 'var') ArrayToNc(a, 'tmp.nc') # A 'time' dimension can be built without it necessarily being unlimited a <- array(1:400, dim = c(5, 10, 4, 2)) metadata <- list( tos = list(addOffset = 100, scaleFact = 10, dim = list(list(name = 'time', unlim = FALSE))), tas = list(addOffset = 100, scaleFact = 10, dim = list(list(name = 'time', unlim = FALSE)))) attr(a, 'variables') <- metadata names(dim(a)) <- c('lat', 'lon', 'time', 'var') ArrayToNc(a, 'tmp.nc') tos <- array(1:400, dim = c(5, 10, 4)) metadata <- list(tos = list(units = 'K')) attr(tos, 'variables') <- metadata names(dim(tos)) <- c('lat', 'lon', 'time') lon <- seq(0, 360 - 360 / 10, length.out = 10) dim(lon) <- length(lon) metadata <- list(lon = list(units = 'degrees_east')) attr(lon, 'variables') <- metadata names(dim(lon)) <- 'lon' lat <- seq(-90, 90, length.out = 5) dim(lat) <- length(lat) metadata <- list(lat = list(units = 'degrees_north')) attr(lat, 'variables') <- metadata names(dim(lat)) <- 'lat' ArrayToNc(list(tos, lon, lat), 'tmp.nc') ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Minimal use case ArrayToNc(array(1:9, c(3, 3)), 'tmp.nc') # Works with arrays of any number of dimensions ArrayToNc(array(1:27, c(3, 3, 3)), 'tmp.nc') # Arrays can also be provided in [named] lists ArrayToNc(list(tos = array(1:27, c(3, 3, 3))), 'tmp.nc') # Or with dimension names # 'var' dimension name will generate multiple variables in the # resulting NetCDF file a <- array(1:27, dim = c(3, 3, 3)) names(dim(a)) <- c('lon', 'lat', 'var') ArrayToNc(a, 'tmp.nc') # 'variable' as dimension name will do the same a <- array(1:27, dim = c(3, 3, 3)) names(dim(a)) <- c('lon', 'lat', 'variable') ArrayToNc(a, 'tmp.nc') # The 'time' dimension will be built as unlimited dimension, by default a <- array(1:1600, dim = c(10, 20, 4, 2)) names(dim(a)) <- c('lat', 'lon', 'time', 'var') ArrayToNc(a, 'tmp.nc') # The dimension 'var'/'variable' can be in any position and can have any # length. a <- array(1:1600, dim = c(10, 20, 4, 2)) names(dim(a)) <- c('lat', 'var', 'lon', 'time') ArrayToNc(a, 'tmp.nc') # Multiple arrays can be provided in a list a <- array(1:400, dim = c(5, 10, 4, 2)) names(dim(a)) <- c('lat', 'lon', 'time', 'var') ArrayToNc(list(a, a), 'tmp.nc') # If no dimension names are given to an array, new names will be automatically # generated a <- array(1:400, dim = c(5, 10, 4, 2)) b <- array(1:400, dim = c(5, 11, 4, 2)) names(dim(a)) <- c('lat', 'lon', 'time', 'var') ArrayToNc(list(a, b), 'tmp.nc') # Metadata can be provided for each variable in each array, via the # attribute 'variables'. In this example the metadata is empty. a <- array(1:400, dim = c(5, 10, 4, 2)) metadata <- list( tos = list(), tas = list()) attr(a, 'variables') <- metadata names(dim(a)) <- c('lat', 'lon', 'time', 'var') ArrayToNc(a, 'tmp.nc') # Variable names can be manually specified a <- array(1:400, dim = c(5, 10, 4, 2)) metadata <- list( tos = list(name = 'name1'), tas = list(name = 'name2')) attr(a, 'variables') <- metadata names(dim(a)) <- c('lat', 'lon', 'time', 'var') ArrayToNc(a, 'tmp.nc') # Units can be specified a <- array(1:400, dim = c(5, 10, 4, 2)) metadata <- list( tos = list(units = 'K'), tas = list(units = 'K')) attr(a, 'variables') <- metadata names(dim(a)) <- c('lat', 'lon', 'time', 'var') ArrayToNc(a, 'tmp.nc') # addOffset and scaleFactor can be specified a <- array(1:400, dim = c(5, 10, 4, 2)) metadata <- list( tos = list(addOffset = 100, scaleFact = 10), tas = list(addOffset = 100, scaleFact = 10)) attr(a, 'variables') <- metadata names(dim(a)) <- c('lat', 'lon', 'time', 'var') ArrayToNc(a, 'tmp.nc') # Global attributes can be specified a <- array(rnorm(10), dim = c(a = 5, b = 2)) attrs <- list(variables = list(tas = list(var_attr_1 = 'test_1_var', var_attr_2 = 2)), global_attrs = list(global_attr_name_1 = 'test_1_global', global_attr_name_2 = 2)) attributes(a) <- c(attributes(a), attrs) ArrayToNc(a, 'tmp.nc') # Unlimited dimensions can be manually created a <- array(1:400, dim = c(5, 10, 4, 2)) metadata <- list( tos = list(addOffset = 100, scaleFact = 10, dim = list(list(name = 'unlimited', unlim = TRUE))), tas = list(addOffset = 100, scaleFact = 10, dim = list(list(name = 'unlimited', unlim = TRUE)))) attr(a, 'variables') <- metadata names(dim(a)) <- c('lat', 'lon', 'unlimited', 'var') ArrayToNc(a, 'tmp.nc') # A 'time' dimension can be built without it necessarily being unlimited a <- array(1:400, dim = c(5, 10, 4, 2)) metadata <- list( tos = list(addOffset = 100, scaleFact = 10, dim = list(list(name = 'time', unlim = FALSE))), tas = list(addOffset = 100, scaleFact = 10, dim = list(list(name = 'time', unlim = FALSE)))) attr(a, 'variables') <- metadata names(dim(a)) <- c('lat', 'lon', 'time', 'var') ArrayToNc(a, 'tmp.nc') tos <- array(1:400, dim = c(5, 10, 4)) metadata <- list(tos = list(units = 'K')) attr(tos, 'variables') <- metadata names(dim(tos)) <- c('lat', 'lon', 'time') lon <- seq(0, 360 - 360 / 10, length.out = 10) dim(lon) <- length(lon) metadata <- list(lon = list(units = 'degrees_east')) attr(lon, 'variables') <- metadata names(dim(lon)) <- 'lon' lat <- seq(-90, 90, length.out = 5) dim(lat) <- length(lat) metadata <- list(lat = list(units = 'degrees_north')) attr(lat, 'variables') <- metadata names(dim(lat)) <- 'lat' ArrayToNc(list(tos, lon, lat), 'tmp.nc') ## End(Not run)
Close a ncdf4
open connection to a file.
file_object |
NetCDF object as returned by |
The result of ncdf4::nc_close
N. Manubens [email protected]
# Create an array from R file_path <- tempfile(fileext = '.nc') a <- array(1:9, dim = c(member = 3, time = 3)) # Store into a NetCDF twice, as two different variables ArrayToNc(list(var_1 = a, var_2 = a + 1), file_path) # Read the dimensions and variables in the created file fnc <- NcOpen(file_path) fnc_dims <- NcReadDims(fnc) var_names <- NcReadVarNames(fnc) # Read the two variables from the file into an R array a_from_file <- NcToArray(fnc, vars_to_read = var_names) NcClose(fnc) # Check the obtained array matches the original array print(a) print(a_from_file[1, , ])
# Create an array from R file_path <- tempfile(fileext = '.nc') a <- array(1:9, dim = c(member = 3, time = 3)) # Store into a NetCDF twice, as two different variables ArrayToNc(list(var_1 = a, var_2 = a + 1), file_path) # Read the dimensions and variables in the created file fnc <- NcOpen(file_path) fnc_dims <- NcReadDims(fnc) var_names <- NcReadVarNames(fnc) # Read the two variables from the file into an R array a_from_file <- NcToArray(fnc, vars_to_read = var_names) NcClose(fnc) # Check the obtained array matches the original array print(a) print(a_from_file[1, , ])
Silently opens a NetCDF file with ncdf4::nc_open
. Returns NULL on failure.
file_path |
Character string with the path to the file to be opened. |
A NetCDF object as returned by ncdf4::nc_open
or NULL on failure.
N. Manubens [email protected]
# Create an array from R file_path <- tempfile(fileext = '.nc') a <- array(1:9, dim = c(member = 3, time = 3)) # Store into a NetCDF twice, as two different variables ArrayToNc(list(var_1 = a, var_2 = a + 1), file_path) # Read the dimensions and variables in the created file fnc <- NcOpen(file_path) fnc_dims <- NcReadDims(fnc) var_names <- NcReadVarNames(fnc) # Read the two variables from the file into an R array a_from_file <- NcToArray(fnc, vars_to_read = var_names) NcClose(fnc) # Check the obtained array matches the original array print(a) print(a_from_file[1, , ])
# Create an array from R file_path <- tempfile(fileext = '.nc') a <- array(1:9, dim = c(member = 3, time = 3)) # Store into a NetCDF twice, as two different variables ArrayToNc(list(var_1 = a, var_2 = a + 1), file_path) # Read the dimensions and variables in the created file fnc <- NcOpen(file_path) fnc_dims <- NcReadDims(fnc) var_names <- NcReadVarNames(fnc) # Read the two variables from the file into an R array a_from_file <- NcToArray(fnc, vars_to_read = var_names) NcClose(fnc) # Check the obtained array matches the original array print(a) print(a_from_file[1, , ])
Reads the dimension names and sizes of a set of variables in a NetCDF file, using the package ncdf4
. The different variables in the file are considered to be stored along a dimension called 'var', so reading the dimensions of a variable 'foo' with dimensions 'lat' and 'lon' would result in a vector with the format c('var' = 1, 'lat' = n_lats, 'lon' = n_lons).
NcReadDims(file_to_read, var_names = NULL)
NcReadDims(file_to_read, var_names = NULL)
file_to_read |
Path to the file to be read or a NetCDF object as returned by |
var_names |
Vector of character strings with the names of the variables which to read the dimensions for. If multiple variables are requested, their dimensions will be merged and returned in a single vector. |
N. Manubens [email protected]
# Create an array from R file_path <- tempfile(fileext = '.nc') a <- array(1:9, dim = c(member = 3, time = 3)) # Store into a NetCDF twice, as two different variables ArrayToNc(list(var_1 = a, var_2 = a + 1), file_path) # Read the dimensions and variables in the created file fnc <- NcOpen(file_path) fnc_dims <- NcReadDims(fnc) var_names <- NcReadVarNames(fnc) # Read the two variables from the file into an R array a_from_file <- NcToArray(fnc, vars_to_read = var_names) NcClose(fnc) # Check the obtained array matches the original array print(a) print(a_from_file[1, , ])
# Create an array from R file_path <- tempfile(fileext = '.nc') a <- array(1:9, dim = c(member = 3, time = 3)) # Store into a NetCDF twice, as two different variables ArrayToNc(list(var_1 = a, var_2 = a + 1), file_path) # Read the dimensions and variables in the created file fnc <- NcOpen(file_path) fnc_dims <- NcReadDims(fnc) var_names <- NcReadVarNames(fnc) # Read the two variables from the file into an R array a_from_file <- NcToArray(fnc, vars_to_read = var_names) NcClose(fnc) # Check the obtained array matches the original array print(a) print(a_from_file[1, , ])
Reads the names of the variables in a NetCDF file and returns them as a vector of character strings.
file_to_read |
Path to the file to be read or a NetCDF object as returned by |
Vector of character strings with the names of the variables in the NetCDF file.
N. Manubens [email protected]
# Create an array from R file_path <- tempfile(fileext = '.nc') a <- array(1:9, dim = c(member = 3, time = 3)) # Store into a NetCDF twice, as two different variables ArrayToNc(list(var_1 = a, var_2 = a + 1), file_path) # Read the dimensions and variables in the created file fnc <- NcOpen(file_path) fnc_dims <- NcReadDims(fnc) var_names <- NcReadVarNames(fnc) # Read the two variables from the file into an R array a_from_file <- NcToArray(fnc, vars_to_read = var_names) NcClose(fnc) # Check the obtained array matches the original array print(a) print(a_from_file[1, , ])
# Create an array from R file_path <- tempfile(fileext = '.nc') a <- array(1:9, dim = c(member = 3, time = 3)) # Store into a NetCDF twice, as two different variables ArrayToNc(list(var_1 = a, var_2 = a + 1), file_path) # Read the dimensions and variables in the created file fnc <- NcOpen(file_path) fnc_dims <- NcReadDims(fnc) var_names <- NcReadVarNames(fnc) # Read the two variables from the file into an R array a_from_file <- NcToArray(fnc, vars_to_read = var_names) NcClose(fnc) # Check the obtained array matches the original array print(a) print(a_from_file[1, , ])
Reads the names of the variables in a NetCDF file and returns them as a vector of character strings.
NcToArray( file_to_read, dim_indices = NULL, vars_to_read = NULL, drop_var_dim = FALSE, unlist = TRUE, expect_all_indices = FALSE, allow_out_of_range = TRUE )
NcToArray( file_to_read, dim_indices = NULL, vars_to_read = NULL, drop_var_dim = FALSE, unlist = TRUE, expect_all_indices = FALSE, allow_out_of_range = TRUE )
file_to_read |
Path to the file to be read or a NetCDF object as returned by |
dim_indices |
Named list with numeric vectors of indices to take for each dimension. The names should correspond to the dimension names which to take the indices for. Non-consecutive indices can be specified. If |
vars_to_read |
This parameter is a shortcut to (and has less priority than) specifying the requested variable names via |
drop_var_dim |
Whether to drop the 'var' dimension this function assumes (read description). If multiple variables are requested in a vector and |
unlist |
Whether to merge the resulting array variables into a single array if possible (default) or not. Otherwise a list with as many arrays as requested variables is returned. |
expect_all_indices |
Whether the function should stop if indices are not provided for all the dimensions of any of the requested variables (TRUE) rather than assuming that all the indices are requested for the unspecified dimensions (FALSE). By default the later is done (FALSE). |
allow_out_of_range |
Whether to allow indices out of range (simply disregard them) or to stop if indices out of range are found. |
Vector of character strings with the names of the variables in the NetCDF file.
N. Manubens, [email protected]
# Create an array from R file_path <- tempfile(fileext = '.nc') a <- array(1:9, dim = c(member = 3, time = 3)) # Store into a NetCDF twice, as two different variables ArrayToNc(list(var_1 = a, var_2 = a + 1), file_path) # Read the dimensions and variables in the created file fnc <- NcOpen(file_path) fnc_dims <- NcReadDims(fnc) var_names <- NcReadVarNames(fnc) # Read the two variables from the file into an R array a_from_file <- NcToArray(fnc, vars_to_read = var_names) NcClose(fnc) # Check the obtained array matches the original array print(a) print(a_from_file[1, , ])
# Create an array from R file_path <- tempfile(fileext = '.nc') a <- array(1:9, dim = c(member = 3, time = 3)) # Store into a NetCDF twice, as two different variables ArrayToNc(list(var_1 = a, var_2 = a + 1), file_path) # Read the dimensions and variables in the created file fnc <- NcOpen(file_path) fnc_dims <- NcReadDims(fnc) var_names <- NcReadVarNames(fnc) # Read the two variables from the file into an R array a_from_file <- NcToArray(fnc, vars_to_read = var_names) NcClose(fnc) # Check the obtained array matches the original array print(a) print(a_from_file[1, , ])